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Project Manager Johannes Predel



  • M. Sc. Sustainable Energy, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Trondheim
  • M. Sc. Industrial Engineering (Energy & Resource Management), Technische Universität Berlin
  • B. Sc. Industrial Engineering (Electrical Engineering), Technische Universität Berlin


Since 2020 con|energy consult gmbh (ehem. nymoen|strategieberatung gmbh), Projektleiter
2019 IKEM e.V. Team Sustainability and Innovation, intern
2018–2020 Department of Energy Systems (ensys) TU Berlin, student assistant
2014-2017 Mercedes-Benz AG, working student

Advisory focus

  • Preparation of potential analyses for the heat and electricity market anf for Power-to-X
  • Quantitative analysis, creation of linear optimization models and subsequent derivation of recommended courses of action
  • Market and competitive analyses in the energy sector