We consult companies in the energy industry and their partners and municipalities on strategic, economic, political and organisational concerns to their energy supply and its transformation. The focus of our our advisory work lies on the topics of the energy, heat and mobility transition. Since October 2022, we have been part of Tagueri AG with more than 700 employees throughout Germany. Tagueri AG significantly expands the product portfolio and expert know-how of con|energy consult: consulting and implementation from a single source in the areas of projects, implementation, processes and transformation as well as technology and development. Tagueri brings deep industry expertise in the automotive, aerospace, defense and rail sectors, as well as high delivery capability even for large projects.
Across our offices in Berlin and Essen, there are currently 30 employees - growing trend. In addition, we can draw on the resources and know-how of the con|energy group with its approximately 200 employees.