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Critical Review of procurement in the currently “very turbulent energy market”

11. May 2022

Against the backdrop of increasing volatility, the question of whether one is properly positioned on the procurement side and has defined the various risks and measures in a resilient manner is coming into focus more and more frequently. Niko Papanikolau, partner at con|energy consult, comments:

"The topic of procurement lay dormant for a long time. The procurement strategies of the houses were usually already compiled many years ago and functioned in a market with sinking prices mostly in the best way. However, the price developments for both natural gas and electricity, which have become extreme in the meantime, have "reawakened" the topic and placed it at the top of companies priority lists."

We as con|energy consult support our customers by conducting "Critical Reviews". Here we collect and analyze all relevant facts around the area of procurement|trade. This includes technical aspects such as your procurement strategies and the associated risk management as well as organizational, process-related and system-technical aspects (especially at the interfaces between sales and procurement). As a result, you will receive a critical evaluation of your circumstances and a compilation of needs for action.

You are welcome to make an appointment with Niko Papanikolau for a personal exchange at E-world.