Dr. Heike Hahn, partner of con|energy consult gmbh will give a presentation with the above title as part of the Customer Solutions Forum "The municipal utility of the future: new business areas, innovation and digitalization" on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 from 2:30 to 3 pm.
"In my view, the customer journey is the still often underestimated tool of choice for making the experience a customer has with a company, its products and the associated processes so positive that the entire journey will be gladly gone through again. Analyzing a process in itself without focusing on the customer's needs end-to-end will not be successful in the long term. Strategic questions can also be answered with the help of the customer journey. It helps to make changes in customer behavior, such as those noticeable through Corona, transparent with a view to possible adjustments in products and processes."
Participation is free of charge. More information and registration options can be found here.