con|energy unternehmensberatung supported rhenag's energy business in developing its strategy 2025. In the process, we accomplished identifying strategic ...
... and methodical starting points that give employees orientation for their actions today and in the future. They have learned to know and use these "tools" that can be used to work the market even more customer-oriented and efficiently. For example, we used so-called personas to identify potential new product offerings, supported by a joint market assessment. These were configured along the customer journeys in such a way that they can be successfully placed in the competitive environment - also with a view to the necessary internal requirements. All approaches were translated into measures that we can now use as a basis for further work. All in all, con|energy has given us valuable impulses on how to optimally design future strategy processes.
Dr. Catharina Friedrich
Member of the Board of Directors rhenag Rheinische Energie Aktiengesellschaft